Thursday, July 26, 2007

School Improvement Plan: 1st Draft

This is the first draft of what will become the ECASD School Improvement Plan that eventually will be adopted by the BOE and serve as the document that guides decision-making, identifies priorities and evaluates progress for the ECASD.

School Improvement Plan

A school improvement plan recognizes that Board of Education policies serve as standards and guidelines for changes which occur in the district’s programs and services. This policy establishes a formal process for implementing an annual district-wide school success plan. The Eau Claire Board of Education holds its superintendent responsible for carrying out the following rules and regulations and procedures:

The Board of Education will have adopted a School District Philosophy.

The Board of Education will have adopted a set of School District Goals.

The Administration will conduct an internal needs assessment during the 2007-08
school year and every five years thereafter.

The Administration will annually prepare a set of District Administrative Objectives to be reviewed by the Board of Education.

The District Administrative Objectives shall be divided into the areas of General Administration, Instruction, Personnel, Technology, and Business/Auxiliary Services.

An annual written report on the status of the previous year’s objectives will be made to the Board of Education on or before the first Board meeting in September.

Each Administrator shall prepare a set of annual personal objectives as approved by their supervisor.

The Board of Education recognizes the value of building and department level school improvement plans which are developed in accordance with district policy and annual objectives. By April 15, 2009, each school and the departments of Athletics, Buildings and Grounds, Food Service, Special Education, State/Federal Programs, Community Education, Transportation, and any other unit directed by the Superintendent, shall have on file a five year improvement plan outline for their respective area.

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