This is a draft of the District Goals that is part of the overall School Improvement Plan Initiative by Dr. Leary. This is a first for the ECASD. Please read and comment here AND to the BOE members as this is a working document and not finalized.
The Board of Education of the Eau Claire Area School District, recognizing both its legal and moral responsibilities to the community-at-large and specifically to the students and youth of the community, does hereby attest its commitment to the aforementioned obligations to the extent the school district is financially able to provide the physical and human resources required to meet these responsibilities through the adoption and acceptance of the following goals.
Self Worth
Respond to each student’s need to develop a positive self-image in order to enhance the individual’s ability to examine his/her own capacities, interests, and goals which seek to meet self and societal needs. The learning environment must reflect attitudes and practices which promote personal dignity and self worth.
Equality of Educational Opportunity
Seek to ensure that the educational processes and activities are structured so as to provide equality of educational opportunity for all. The school climate should accommodate the diverse values for our society and make constructive use of these values for the betterment of society.
Creative, Constructive, and Critical Thinking
Foster the development of creative, constructive, and critical thinking skills to enable the learner to deal effectively with new experiences, act in an independent, self-fulfilling, responsible manner and to seek out enrichment activities.
Basic Skills
Provide the opportunity for each student to acquire basic skills as defined by the following general categories: (1) the ability to acquire knowledge and communicate ideas through reading, writing and speaking; (2) the ability to effectively handle mathematical and scientific operations and concepts; (3) the ability to comprehend the concept of producing and consuming within the framework of a democratic society; (4) the ability to apply rational thought processes in the identification, consideration, and solution of problems; (5) acquire an appreciation of humanities; (6) develop effective leisure time activity skills; and (7) acquire the ability to gain access to computer technology and to process data.
Physical and Mental Well-Being
Promote the acquisition of good health and safety habits deemed essential for physical and mental well-being.
Extra-Curricular Activities
To acknowledge the value of, and to promote age-appropriate diversified offerings of, extra-curricular activity opportunities.
Professional Development
Promote professional development inservice activities for staff and administration for (1) carrying out the philosophy and goals of the Board of Education; (2) acquainting them with current educational trends and skill-building techniques; and (3) self-improvement needs.
Environmental Quality
Develop within each individual the knowledge and respect necessary for the appreciation, maintenance, protection, and improvement of our physical environment and natural resources.
Educational Accountability
Promote an attitude which recognizes that the highest level of educational accountability is at the building level and which encourages building uniqueness while seeking the attainment of district-wide goals and objectives.
Promote the maintenance, remodeling, and construction of facilities which provide for effective, efficient instruction and administration of the educational program.
Equipment and Supplies
Promote the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and supplies throughout the district which are in keeping with current acceptable practice and which provide adequate safety standards.
Parent and Community Participation
Develop an effective means for involving parents in the education of their children in a positive way and encouraging them to participate in the total educational process. Seek the utilization of community resources in the instructional program and explore procedures for a functional school-community communication system.
Lifelong Learning
Promote learning as a lifelong process and seek to provide the opportunity for all residents to gain access to skill-building and/or personal enrichment programs.
Responsibility in Family Living
Promote an educational atmosphere in which each student will grow in his/her understanding of and responsiveness to the needs and responsibilities inherent in family life.
Acquisition of Financial Resources
Seek the acquisition of local, state, and federal monies in order to meet the requirements for providing a quality educational system.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
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1 comment:
Some districts add a yearly set of goals.
Maybe ECASD does that, too.
Here are the ones for Janesville:
The District will meet Adequate Yearly Progress in
Reading and Math by:
• Closing the achievement gap by being accountable when
students do not achieve the benchmarks (Disproportionality,
Response to Intervention, Culturally Responsive and Relevant Curriculum)
• Having a balanced assessment system (which includes writing across the curriculum) that is purposeful and built upon best
practice (MAPs, Just5Clicks, common assessments)
The Board and administration will explore opportunities to offer critical languages (Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc.).
The Board will provide direction on early learning
The Board and administration will review and revise and increase emphasis on minority staff recruitment.
The Board and administration will continue to emphasize the core values of caring, cooperation, honesty, respect and responsibility throughout the district including teachers, aides, secretaries, custodians, principals, ESC, etc.
The degree of community involvement will be determined during the 2007-2008 school year.
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