Please see below the comments from teachers and staff about Dr. Leary's message to them at the start of the new year. This tradition was abandoned several years ago by former Supt. Klaus and I think bringing it back is great!
I guess I can really only speak for myself and the South people I talked to. My feeling is that is was very positive, upbeat, and meaningful. It began with someone that not many of us in the crowd really knew. Dr. Leary's message was very uplifting, he set the tone for a positive school year.
I thought his message was positive, unifying,funny and affirming! It was
good to have the WHOLE staff be together. It sent a good message.
It was an incredibly positive, genuine and inspiring presentation. For me
it set a wonderful tone that revitalized my attitude for this year after
what had been an extremely stressful and difficult year for most of us in
the district. It felt like a breath of fresh air! I can truly say I feel
more hopeful about our future as a district.
I found his remarkes to be light-hearted, positive and
at times, funny. After teaching for 14 years I can't
believe that ECASD was not addressed as a whole by the
superintendent these last several years. In the two
other districts I taught in an address by the
superintendent was always how the year started off
(for good or for bad). Nice to see that the tradition
has returned to ECASD.
Most importantly, he respected the time alloted and
the time of the teachers and did not go over his
scheduled amount!
t has been so long since I felt so excited and happy after hearing my superintendent speak. Dr. Leary was engaging, funny and poignant. He made me happy to be back and excited to work with my co-workers and my children again!
Just FYI, Dr. Butler sat with his head on his hand for all of the speech. Clearly, not the impression that the rest of the faculty had. We were laughing, clapping and moved.
I am embarrassed to say I did not have a writing tool during Dr.
Leary's comments because there was plenty of positive material. I do
not know if we are hungry for good things, if Superintendent Leary's
message was so good or a combination of the two but I remain
favorably impressed. His comments were affirmative, positive and
constructive. Perhaps the thing that resonated most loudly with me
was his comment regarding the status quo and how individuals who want
to maintain the status quo do not help us move forward. (My
conversations with district personnel regarding incorporation of
Macintosh computers for graphic arts and audio applications seem to
fall on deaf ears - or against big blinders.)
I heard more of the positive things that I heard at a board meeting
this summer and I cannot tell you how happy I am that he has agreed
to visit my class.
Overall, his address was positive, humorous and clear about the
direction he wants to take us. I have not visited with many people
specifically about this speech but many heads were bobbing in
agreement which I interpret as a good sign. I continue to think we
have a man with his hand on the helm who is extremely capable and
willing to lead us through the troubled waters we need to cross
before we have an open and transparent board and administrative team.
I was impressed with what Dr. Leary had to say this morning, especially his
emphasis on the value of relationships in our endeavors. His remarks were
welcoming, humorous, kind, complimentary and forward-looking. He asked us to
aim high and made it very clear that he wants to roll up his sleeves and
work alongside of us through our challenges.
The first thing I noticed about him was his presence in the crowd this
morning as he greeted teachers in the lobby and in the auditorium. He
wasn't just standing up front, waiting for us to be seated! He was meeting
people as if they were the most important people in his world at that
moment. In addition, he didn't spend time introducing an entourage of people
around him, which I appreciated because I felt like he wanted to talk with
I sense that he brings wisdom from experience and that he values people
above all else.
Hi Maria . . .it was a perfect speech by Dr. Leary! And very well
received by the District staff . . . he was very funny which really
helps the first day back. He was totally forward looking too which
was good . . ... nothing about what happened last year, or year
before, or last week for that matter. I heard no negatives
whatsoever afterward . . . I think most people are really tired of the
negativity, whether they feel it was justified or not. I know
personally I'm looking forward to a very positive year no matter comes
my way. :-)
Every year, it seems that we all start out the school year with good
intentions, a positive attitude and energy to take on the daunting tasks
that are added to our already full teaching 'plates'. This year, we all
came to the first day with similar feelings, but with teacher morale at
an all-time low, our new interim superintendent, James Leary had his
work cut out for him as he addressed all employees. Add to the morale
issue (no contract, staff layoffs and program cuts, 'new-found' money,
and a general feeling that teachers are underappreciated by our board
and district administration), the fact that we are the only state in the
country without a passed budget, as the assembly proposes even further
cuts to our bare-bones programs and services, it makes for some
frustrated educators, to say the least!
I wouldn't suggest that he rode in on a white horse, but Dr. Leary has
been around the block - whether in Spain, Illinois, Michigan or Chippewa
Falls. He addressed the group with a sense of hope, positive outlook,
humor and respect. In his opening remarks, he suggested that he wouldn't
be introducing anyone, since this wasn't a day for identifying
'important people', rather we are all ONE...we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.
As he gave his suggestions for fundamental factors to successful schools
(trust, humor, empowerment and compassion), it was clear that he is a
'people person', with the energy and integrity to move this district in
the right direction. I was impressed.
Having met Leary on numerous occasions, I'm further impressed by his
hidden saavy and interest in human nature. 'Hidden' because he has a
folksy style, has no airs, no desire for power or control, and certainly
no complacency! He does have a wealth of experience in working with
struggling district (not to mention GREAT expertise in passing
referendums; he's never had one fail!). He is eager to get out and visit
our schools (refreshing), and will visit classrooms, where he wants to
be introduced as a 'learning helper', not superintendent. He will likely
be very well-received. Our teachers are eager to trust, share and build
in this district, and it's about time it's reciprocal!
From Memorial, several superintendents and others gathered at North
High, where the Governor joined them in a press conference, highlighting
the need for the Assembly to pass a budget that is truly reflective of
the priority we place on public education. The cuts that the Republican
Assembly has proposed would literally devastate our schools - watch the
news tonight!
I believe we're slowly moving ahead in this district, with good things
happening on many levels - teachers, school board, parents AND
superintendent. Stay tuned!
Jo Burke
President, Eau Claire Association of Educators
I was very encouraged. I was looking forward to positive things
happening this year and I feel Dr. Leary started us off with just that.
I appreciated how he stressed the partnership that he has with us. In
fact, he told us he does not want to thought of as our "Superintendent"
he would rather us call him our "Learning Partner." It was a small
gesture but it carried weight after everything we have gone through.
I was quite impressed with Dr. Leary's "welcome" to the staff this morning,
so much so that later today I e-mailed him and told him so. I came away
feeling energized and glad that he was leading us. I actually felt like
Dr. Leary WAS leading, and I felt that it was long overdue for our leader
to hold a district-wide meeting at the beginning of the school year. Dr.
Leary's message was just over 30 minutes long. He focused on the power of
positive thinking and on how we are all in this together in the "people"
business. He infused his message with humor and anecdotes along with
research stating what kids want (and need) in their teachers. Things like
they wanted their teachers to love them, they wanted to be trusted, and
they wanted their teachers to have a sense of humor. His tone throughout
was encouraging and positive! Dr. Leary also indicated that he believes we
are all teachers and all learners, simultaneously. To that end, he
indicated that he looks forward to learning all he can about our great
district while also clearly indicating that we are all in this together to
make positive changes. Many of my colleagues that I talked to were also
impressed with his message, and I, for one, feel good about the start of
this new school year!
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1 comment:
The comments all seemed positive and I can't help but note this is a very positive blog entry as well.
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