Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Comments about the return of Deputy Butler

Many, many people are shocked and not happy that Dr. Butler is now back in his office. Here are some of the comments that people have sent to me that they wish to remain anonymous on:

Dear Blogmaster Henly,

I also was excited about the obvious change of direction hiring Dr.
Leary seems to promise. His presentation at the last board meeting
showed considerable thought as well as a willingness to disturb the
comfort zones of complacent board members, district leaders, and
community members. I left feeling very positive and upbeat about his

Why then is my comfort zone suddenly upended? Simply put - I cannot
understand why the board has brought back Gregg Butler. The
overworked cliché of “the fox in the henhouse” keeps coming to mind.
Are there board members who want the status quo until it drowns us?
Or is Dr. Leary willing to look at what past leadership did to the
district to try and right the ship before bringing an entirely new,
out-of-district, skipper onboard to guide the ECASD on its new course?

I certainly hope it is the latter as bringing part of the original
problem back into a decision-making, leadership role strikes me as
much worse than two steps backward. And moving backward is not
something we can afford to do! Thank you.


I am actually sick to my stomach that they have hired GB back . . . .and he will slide right into the Sup job next year . . .. how absolutely pathetic.

And discouraging news about the deputy sup, but how about that buried quote at the bottom: "I've been gone seven weeks, but it feels like only a weekend"? Hah.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find this news very disheartening. I believed that there might be a positive shift in direction with the changes in the Board Office, especially the departure of those labeled leaders. One wonders if any other former personnel will also be returning.