Friday, March 7, 2008

High School classes dropped for the 2008-09 year

I received these lists of classes from Principals Valk and Leibham. They were unable to say definitively which classes would have been dropped for low enrollment vs. budget cutbacks. But, clearly, as staff reductions force the size of all classes to be larger, more classes will be squeezed out of the remaining choices. I would like to follow up with Valk and Leibham to find out what classes are remaining of the AP programs and the Technology Charter School within the high schools as we have lost several over the last couple of years.

Read it and weep. Maria


Floral Horticulture 102
Wellness 21st Century 1004
Natural Resources 104
AP Biology 1126
Vet. Science 114
Botany 1130
Wildlife Management II 118
AP Chemistry 1134
Account. 2 302
AP Physics Mech. 1142
Accounting III 303
AP Physics Elect. & Magn. 1144
Bus. Tech App II 306
Hist. Of Philosophy I 1232
Desktop Publ. 312
Hist. Of Philosophy II 1234
Princ. Of Mngmnt 314
Intol. & Diversity 1242
nt'l Business 316
Aviation 1308
Keyboarding Applications 320
Electricity 1310
Web Des. App. II 334
Voc. Elect. & Lab 1316
Financial Fit. 420
Princ. Engineer. 1324
Families First 422
Comp. Integ. Mfg. 1326
Food and Family 430
Voc. Graphics 1336
Food Sci/Nutri 432
Intro. Computer Tech. 1400
American Sign Language II 540
CISCO 1408
Stagecraft 632
Alg. II and Trig B 714
Int. Conc. Band 802
Chamber Choir 822
Crit. Read. Skills 1920
PEPI 908
WSI 910
Health Club 10
PE 914

Course # Course Name # of Requests

0102 Floral Design/Horticulture 13
0114 Veterinary Science II 12
0104 Natural Resources 03
0106 Leadership in Agriscience 01
0306 Business Technology Applications II 03
0314 Principles of Management 07
0316 International Business & Marketing 04
0320 Keyboarding Applications 15
0334 Web Design Applications II 03
0406 FCCLA-Classroom 02
0420 Financial Fitness 07
0422 Families First 01
0424 Parents and Children 17
0426 Assistant Child Care Teacher 05
0430 Food and Family 05
0432 Food Science and Nutrition 09
0626 Writing w/Style 07
0632 Stagecraft 03
1004 Wellness 21 Century 02
1126 AP Biology 03
1132 Chemistry II: Inorganic 06
1133 Chemistry II: Organic 10
1144 AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 05
1242 Minority Experience 02
1314 Electronics Applications -0-
1316 Vocational Electronics & Lab -0-
1350 Construction II 04
1358 Vocational Automotive Technology 08
1360 Research and Development -0-
1400 Computer Technologies Overview 07
1401 Computer Construction & Network Design 16
1403 Web Program 13
1410 CISCO II 07
1412 CISCO III -0-
1414 CISCO IV -0-
1417 Cartoon Animation II & Web Game 04


Anonymous said...

When I looked at a Memorial course catalog, the following are listed as AP science classes:
AP Biology I,II
AP Chemistry I,II
AP Physics: Mechanics
AP Physics: Electricity/Magnetism

I see nothing in the catalog about AP Biology III (or 03), so it may have been cut last year. According to the current list, there would still be 2 AP Biology Classes, 2 AP Chemistry Classes and 1 AP Physics Class after the cuts. I must assume that the inorganic and organic chemistry had lower enrollments than AP Chem II, which was preserved. It seems that 5 AP classes in science, three in Math, two in English and 5 in Social Sciences might still be a decent offering, though not as much as before.

Some of the cuts make perfect sense to me - CISCO through level IV? Floral design? Cartoon Animation? It looks like Family and Consumer Ed took a big hit, but if we really look at the core knowledge required to graduate, I can see that this makes sense to cut. It has to come from somewhere.

I expect that if teachers and other union employees retired at 60 + like most of the rest of the population, we wouldn't have to cut anything and both the local and state budgets would balance. We can't have our cake and eat it, too.

Anonymous said...


I assume your retirement benefit remark referred to early reitrement stipends- originally given to encournge early retirement so higher paid teachers could be replaced with lower paid teachers and it hasn't really worked out to save money.

Here is the last contract agreement with an early retirement stipend:

“Early Retirement Stipend. For employees hired before July 1, 2004. The Board of Education shall offer an early retirement stipend to teachers who elect to retire, provided the teacher has attained the minimum age of 55 and has a minimum of 25 years of teaching experience (these years are years of service and not necessarily seniority years) of which fifteen (15) were in the Eau Claire Area School District. The amount of the stipend shall be 25% of the designated salary
schedule step based upon the Agreement negotiated for the year following retirement. An additional one percent (1%) of the designated salary schedule step will be paid for each year of service at the Eau Claire Area School District
beginning with the sixteenth (16th) year through the twenty-fifth (25th) year (to a maximum of 35%).
The stipend will be paid monthly over a five (5) year term.”

That is still in effect and can't be changed but there is no stipend for those hired after July 1, 2004. Other aspects of early retirement benefits continue to be negogiated as I understand it.

This entire area of contract negogiations is
a difficult one for the public to follow and I may not
be completley accurate.

Anonymous said...

The course catalog still shows AP US History as being offered at Memorial. Yes. It is offered, but if your child's classmates do not sign up for the class, your child can't take it. Last year both North and Memorial dropped AP US History. This is a class offered by more than 10,000 high schools in this country, and Eau Claire could not managed to do it.

Cuts must be made. I hope that we can find a way to rotate offerings and be more flexible as to the year students may sign up for classes. It is not fiscally responsible to pay teachers to run study halls when we they could be teaching classes.