Friday, November 30, 2007

Nov. 19, 2007 BOE Meting

The Nov. 19th BOE meeting opened with an announcement about Closed Session that 2 North HS students were expelled.

There is also a WASB convention in January and School Board election paperwork will be available after December 1st.

Dept. Sup. Butler announced that there is no school on the Wed., Thurs., and Friday of Thanksgiving week. Also some announcement about WAHPERD (some statewide group about Physical Education and Health?) gave a teaching award to a Delong teacher. Dr. Leary recently attended the Real Life Academy and was VERY IMPRESSED with the process and the support from the community. Pres. O'Brien and Comm. Faanes and P. Iverson also attended.

Interesting note on the approval of the budget: Pres. O'Brien and Comm. Faanes abstained from voting (because their spouses are ECASD district employees but Comm. Kneer approved the expenditures even though she, herself, is a district employee. Go figure.

There was a very comprehensive report to the BOE froom the Montessori Charter School (Todd Johnson, Principal, Johanna W., staff and Maureen McGraith, parent). There was an Annual Report for audience members to review. I am NOT a Montessori expert but the group did a good job in laying out the Goals for the program, the Student Assessment, Program Assessment Measures and Accomplishments. I am unable to know if these are reasonable Goals and Measures for a Montessori Charter School or not. It was clear that retaining students for the upper grades is a concern as there seemed to be only a couple of 4th and 5th graders who have stayed with the Charter School. BOE members had several questions concerning teacher attrition, the expense of teacher training, transitioning Montessori students to middle school, Special Education services and the screening process used for students.

Following the Montessori presentation was an update to the Board from the Head Start Program by Paula Wainscott. Again, a very comprehensive handout was included for audience members. Again, I am not an expert but I found the report to be very informative and staffed by very dedicated professionals who care deeply about the children and families they work with. Of course, inadequate funding is an issue. There was a brief digression to the EC4 Tomorrow (4 year old kindergarten) program which is limited to 4 year olds who are already in a daycare setting and have adequate transportation which can be a barrier to participation. Pres. O'Brien thanked the presenters and board members expressed their appreciation as well.

Other updates: No update for the Clear Vision process. Comm. Craig expressed her concern that the district realistically assesses when a discussion about referendum could be held. Dr, Leary indicated that at the Dec. 3rd meeting he will report on the Internal Needs Assessment process. Also Budget discussions are beginning for Operations, Facilities, etc... Comm. Craig indicated that the district is looking at an additional $5 to $6 million in cuts over the next 3 years and there is NO PROCESS in place to involve the community.

Pres. O'Brien indicated that there will be a Charter meeting on Dec. 17th and G. Butler indicated that Board Policy revisions will be discussed Jan. 21st. Other meetings on Dec. 18th from 6:30 to 8:30 and Dec. 17th from 5:30 to 7 before the regular BOE meeting. I think people should check the ECASD website for topics and times of these meetings as it was pretty confusing with so many times and dates flying around.

Comm. Craig indicated that the Parent Advisory Council has a new brochure and that the Montessori Charter School is now a member of PAC.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Oct. 22, 2007 Budget Hearing and Regular BOE Meeting

On October 22, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. there was a special Public Hearing about the 2007-08 budget. The meeting began with Mr. Van de Water presenting a comprehensive Power Point overview of the annual budget process which began on Oct. 6, 2006 with the information that the ECASD would be facing a $7.6 million shortfall in the next school year. In Feb. 2007 the BOE proposed cutting only $2.1 million and asking for $21.6 million for the next 3 years to cover operations. In April 2007 the referendum failed and the reductions were made. Mr. Van de Water also went through the revenue components of the budget and some expenditure comparisons. He also reviewed the tax levy process. The audience had copies of the presentation as well as a very informative Executive Summary including many supporting schedules. For those who would choose to inform themselves about the process, this information was valuable and extremely well done.

Public comment consisted of JoEllen Burke noting that the decision "to raise class size" signified a loss of more than 40 teaching positions and G. Butler added that total staff cuts were 60 positions. Ms. Burke indicated the need to address the state funding formula. She also encouraged BOE members to visit schools and classrooms and see all the good things that are happening and that teachers and staff are very appreciative of such visits.

I stood up and thanked Mr. Van de Water and noted that the cuts were damaging to students, teachers, parents and the community. I also expressed my concern that the reduction process did not seem to address and educational priorities and that the high school cuts were based on nothing more than class enrollments. I thanked them for the open process being used for the Little Red Study Committee and that information, meetings, minutes and the ability for the public to comment is all accessible via the website.

Comm. Cummins asked about the process for re-prioritizing such as funding the changes approved b the BOE for kindergarten. Mr. O'Brien commented that we are fortunate to have Mr. Van de Water and that the whole process is much better and more understandable. (My question: "So why didn't you ask questions and get the information you needed in the past?") He also claimed that re-prioritization has been occurring in that they have discussed what to cut. Comm. Cummins said that she has not seen it in the 2 years she has been on the board. Her comment: "Good accounting does not have anything to do with what are our priorities. The public needs to trust that the budget is both accurate and accurately reflects our priorities."

Carol Galloy (Art Teacher at South MS) commented that the proposed list of cuts that was initially generated in October did not change after all of the public hearings. She hoped that next year the public input would be considered. She also asked if a referendum was being considered anytime soon.

Comm. Craig responded to Mr. O'Brien's comment that the ECASD is in a much more "stable" position now. She asked how we can consider our position as "stable" when we are still looking at a nearly $2 million deficit for next year? She indicated that the community MUST BE ENGAGED to gain support for a future referendum.

Dr. Leary commented that normally it takes 2 years to "recover" from a lost referendum. He indicated that it is nearly impossible to ask the community for referendum money to "maintain the status quo." A successful referendum will depend on the district's ability to show what will be BETTER for the schools and the community.

Pat Telisak, a teacher at Lakeshore, asked that the district relate the costs to parents, and community members in terms of kids and their home expense and that discussion should be in layperson's terms. She indicated that the failing state of computers at Lakeshore now results in 1/2 of the computers have no ability to connect headphones because of a broken part.

Comm. Bollinger indicated that the entire facilities needs have not even been discussed yet and continued delay only drives costs higher. Comm. Cummins reiterated her position that facilities needs MUST BE LINKED TO EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS.

Comm. Craig stated that planing for all this is a long term process but the district must find a way to address the short term planning immediately as we are facing a $2 million deficit NOW. Pres. O'Brien indicated that the Nov. 5th meeting will include a 5 year projection of the deficit. Dr. Leary indicated thet Mr. Van de Water is available to do his financial presentation to any school or group who is interested. He also said that it is important to look ahead but also to look in the past to see where there were pitfalls and weak spots in decision-making and make improvements.

Pres. O'Brien thanked people for attending.

Public Hearing session adjourned.

Regular Session began at 7:00 p.m.

Announcements: Pres. O'Brien said that there were no announcements from Closed Session. He also said that there would be a couple of Community Focus Groups for the New Supt. search on Oct. 29th and 30th that the Public could attend.

Dept. Supt. Butler told BOE members that the information about the Little Red Study Group is available on the district website and has everything like the Goals, a Timeline, Membership, Agenda and a Public Comment Form. Comm. Cummins was amazed and asked "Where did this come from?!" and he credited Sandy LaValley and the IT folks. Pres. O'Brien thanked Comm. Craig for her leadership of the group.

Dr. Leary indicated that the Needs Assessment data from the Parent Advisory Committee is complete and being summarized. Also a Chamber of Commerce Expo was well attended and the ECASD was represented. WEAC is also doing a Public Relations video at Lakeshore School.

There was another very lengthy and complicated presentation from Mr. Van de Water about the tax levy. Comm. Kneer's comments: "This is too much for the average citizen to absorb. I can't absorb it. Just give me A for Apple and B for Banana...." Comm. Bollinger: "I understood everything you said but the average citizen won't."

There was an extensive presentation by Sue Steffes (Asst. Princ. at Memorial HS) and Michelle Wiberg (Asst. Princ. at DeLong MS) about the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. This is a coalition to halt increases in childhood obesity by 2010 and begin to reverse it by 2015 using programs for Student Nutrition, Student Physical Activity and Staff Wellness. 4 ECASD schools (Memorial, North, Delong and Lakeshore) participated and all 4 received Bronze recognition (of 300 schools participating only 26 were recognized and 4 were from Eau Claire!) This can be implemented at no cost to the district and will result in healthier students and staff and increased productivity. Ms. Steffes indicated that the program has now moved to be implemented in all district buildings and there is a wellness committee in each building. Comm. Craig asked about parental involvement and one of the student reps. asked about student involvement and they were assured that in the future that would be happening.

My comments: This was pretty amazing and comprehensive!

Other updates: The Legislative Report from Pres. O'Brien was :"This would be like kicking a dead horse." since the state budget is STILL not passed. Comm. Cummins reported on the Claer Vision Community Plan and said the first meeting was very impressive with good representation from the district. Many groups mentioned their concerns about education and the need for planned development and shared services. One of the student reps. also attended and thought there was a need for more student participation.
